About Us

Metro Christian Fellowship is an evangelical charismatic church on the south side of Kansas City, Missouri. Our worship services embrace heartfelt worship, expression of spiritual gifts, prayer for the sick and teaching from the Bible. Visit us at our website.

Compass-Scott Jones

"How Compasses Work"~by Marshall Brain

No matter where you stand on Earth, you can hold a compass in your hand and it will point toward the North Pole. What an unbelievably neat and amazing thing! Imagine that you are in the middle of the ocean, and you are looking all around you in every direction and all you can see is water, and it is overcast so you cannot see the sun...How in the world would you know which way to go unless you had a compass to tell you which way is 'up'? Long before GPS satellites and other high-tech navigational aids, the compass gave humans an easy and inexpensive way to orient themselves."

God is endlessly amazing, wonderful & good! He gives us a beautiful & sure reference point through His only Begotten Son, to show us the path into eternal life. He orders our steps & gives us direction, focus, & provision no matter where we are in life's adventurous journey.

In Christ's Perfect Love,
Scott, Christine & Connor Jones

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