About Us

Metro Christian Fellowship is an evangelical charismatic church on the south side of Kansas City, Missouri. Our worship services embrace heartfelt worship, expression of spiritual gifts, prayer for the sick and teaching from the Bible. Visit us at our website.

11 Questions: Livie Sanchez

  • Where were you born? Los Angeles, CA
  • What is your middle name? Marie
  • Favorite book of the Bible? Genesis
  • Hobby? Gardening
  • Favorite season? Autumn
  • Furthest trip from home? India or Turkey
  • Dream vacation spot? Amalfi Coast of Italy
  • When/where were you reborn: 1979, Jackson Hole, WY
  • Your childhood dream job? United States Senator
  • Favorite item of clothing? My blue Puma sneakers
  • Favorite Sandwich? Turkey with Brie and Apple

Building Plan Questionaire

If you consider Metro Christian Fellowship your home church then we would like to hear from you about plans around our future location. Your input will help us to make decisions as we pursue the possibility of relocating our church.

To respond to this survey please copy/paste the text below into an email message, complete it by answering the survey questions and send it to our team.

As you know, our lease will end with the Lutheran High School May 2010. We are considering several options: either continue leasing from the Lutherans or look for a new location.

That’s why this survey is important; we want to hear from the members of Metro. We want to know what you think about this upcoming change.


Age: 12< ; 13-18 ; 19-30 ; 31-45 ; 45>

Male or Female?

Marital Status: Married, Single or Other

Do you have children in the home?

If yes how many?


How long have you attended Metro Christian Fellowship?


1. What affects do you see a move having on us as a fellowship?
(NOTE: Some examples are given, but should not be considered conclusive)
Strengths to a move: (More space, outreach options, etc.)

Concerns about moving: (Finances, loosing people, etc.)
2. Using the scale below how much of a change do you think relocating will have on us as a church?
1. Lots of change, not only location, but people, church activities etc.
2. Some change.
3. Limited change.
4. No change other than location.
3. What community/area do you live in now? (NOTE: not your specific address. Example: Independence, Leawood, Grandview, South KC)

4. How far would you be willing to drive (in miles) to continue to attend Metro?

5. Based on your involvement with Metro, what ministries to you see as a priority in terms of space in a new location?
Adult ministries (singles, men’s, Special events (Conferences, women’s, young adult) weddings, etc.)

Children’s ministries Youth ministries (Jr. & Sr. High)

Sunday Celebration Service Outreach & Helps Ministry (Food Pantry)

OTHER: (Please specify)


Please indicate one answer, if necessary you can explain any of your answers.

1. In terms of gaining a place for permanency would you prefer to:
a. Purchase land and build from ground up.

b. Purchase property that would need some rehabilitation to meet our needs.

c. Purchase property that would primarily accommodate Sunday morning activities with options to expand as resources available.

d. Lease a place for a long term basis that would allow for more flexibility in building use.

e. Other:
2. In terms of financing which more closely describes you?

a. Strongly feel we should borrow nothing or very little (<20%)>3. If we were to finance through a loan what percentage of the actual cost should be covered by the loan?

a. <>75%

4. Would you be willing to donate towards the cost of a new location above weekly tithing and giving?
Yes / No / Maybe
Is there anything else you want us to know about this process?

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!

Lakeland Revival Report

As he has just returned from a trip to visit the revival in Lakeland Florida, I asked Jason Ellsworth to comment on a recent article written by J. Lee Grady, editor of Charisma magazine (click here to read the article). Following is Jason's excellent reponse. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. -Bob Edwards

First and foremost I want to communicate that God is on the move in Lakeland. Many people are being healed daily. There is great inspiration and encouragement in the body. Leaders from churches around the world are flocking to Lakeland to “catch the fire” and are seeing God do significant things back home in their churches. I would encourage mature believers to go and soak up what God is doing.

Comments on Lee Grady’s article: I think that Grady has made very valid observations. It’s a good article, written to help pastor those visiting the Lakeland services.

Most people ask me, "Do you think it's real?"

I think God is genuinely moving in Lakeland and through Todd Bentley. I am very aware of the propensity to hype, manipulate crowds on some level. I think we would be naive not to recognize this. One thing I did not see there was someone pastoring what was happening. I wish that there were people in authority helping steward this move of God. At the same time, I don't believe that the lack of pastoring is the end of the world any more than I think the inclusion of hype mixed with a real move of God is going to nullify the God's work.

I grew up in Pentecost and I saw lots of hype, manipulation, and poor pastoring and yet I am the product of all of that mixed with the pastoring of the Holy Spirit in my own life. I think God is willing to use weird people, immature people, and fleshly people to do his work. I pray that these people mature and grow into this calling. I pray that Todd learns to pastor the revival more. In the end I am confident that the Holy Spirit will pastor our hearts and mature us through all of this.

I also think maybe God chose Todd (in all his immaturity), because he knew Todd would be willing to break through a lot of things other men would hesitate around.

I also realize this... We can embrace the power of God and the move of God, but we don't have to do ministry like Todd Bentley. I'm wired very different than Todd Bentley. I would dial down when he pumps it up. I would try to help encourage and love when he moves on to the next hungry soul without a second glance. My hope would be that God would deposit what He is releasing in Lakeland, FL in me and release this kind of power through my life... through my life, my lens, my calling, in the context of my style and my ministry.

As for Grady's warning against angels, I think the problem is not with the ministry of these angels (which I would suggest most of us have little revelation and authority on the subject). The problem may be with Todd’s immaturity in communicating to the masses. Todd definitely wants to glorify God not angels. But I imagine that he's walking in a grace where he's seeing and interacting with angels (very normal according to Biblical example) and because he's not sensitive to the masses he just blurts out things that are hard for those of us not walking in the same realm to swallow. Immaturity doesn't nullify God, but it can muddy the ministry. And Todd would do well to learn to move in this realm but make less of a show about it. Perhaps in the future we will become more accustomed to his reference to angels and we won’t pay so much attention to that aspect of this thing.

I don't think it's wrong to expect angelic involvement. (Many of us have been through phases in our lives where we were looking for demons around every corner.) We learn the balance in time. But it seems to me that most of God's supernatural work (through Biblical example) involves the ministry of angles. So, I'm very open to the ministry of Angels as they are used by the Father to work His will in the earth. They significant key is that we remain grounded in the Word, the Spirit and the Church.

As for highlighting the manifestations...

I'm even struggling with the idea of Big meetings and TV crews. I know God is using it to get the word out, but wouldn't it be cool if Todd just moved into a house in Lakeland. People could just come by and get healed or prayed for...

I'm not knocking Todd in how he deals with the manifestations. I obviously haven't had to deal with a significant amount of that stuff in my own ministry. But I remember that John Wimber would have people sit down in chairs for prayer because (he said), "there was nothing holy about falling down on the ground." If people manifest the Holy Spirit, let them, but we don't have to parade it on the stage. (good point Grady) However if it happens on the stage does that make it wrong? No. Again, I don’t hear too many stories about people reading Charisma Magazine in their living room and flailing around under the power of the Holy Spirit. This is something that God is releasing through Todd’s ministry. This is how Todd has learned to cope with it. Perhaps the best thing we can do is talk about it. When we discuss these things they can be put into proportion and demystified to some degree.

In addition one night, Bob Jones even mentioned that there was both Holy Manifestations and Demonic Manifestations occurring. He said that we should be aware that it's not all Jesus at work. Don't glorify the shaking and similar phenomenon. Glorify God when good comes from it.

Bob Jones made a great point. Something the leaders should take to heart more.

I think that leaders of churches would be wise to soak up what they can and encourage the release of God's power in their churches and in the lives of their congregants. But they should use their maturity (especially charismatic pastors that have lived through other moves of God and learned lessons) to pastor their people well. Like any move, if fostered well we could see great results and growth in the lives of our people. If not fostered well we could see people get hurt and burned out and be dealing with the scars for years.

I’m not prepared to speculate the long-term deposit this outbreak of the Holy Spirit will leave. However, through history God has consistently released outpourings of the Holy Spirit through individuals like Todd Bentley. A portion of people received what God was doing and the church leaped forward, revived and alive. Other segments of the church have ignored these outbreaks and remained static. They didn’t have to deal with the mess of the revival but they didn’t reap the benefits either.

Proverbs 14:4 says, “Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, But much revenue comes by the strength of the ox.”

Oxen are messy. You’ve got to shovel up the poop! But they multiply the harvest greatly! I would encourage pastors and church leaders to embrace this move (even if you’ve been wounded in the past). Just be willing to pastor people through it!

Other observations about this outpouring:

It's not like Toronto or Brownsville. There's not the same weighty glory that was there. (However it may increase in time according to Bob Jones.) I did experience some of that glory sensation there. I felt it more than any other time in the past several years of my life but not with the intensity I had hoped for.

In the end, all the things worth criticizing are small in comparison to the greatness of God. There is nothing like watching people get healed from disease and hearing reports from doctors about the unexplainable miracles of God in their patients. That made the trip worth while! There are hundreds of people being healed each week. People with life-threatening cancers are being touched; returning home to their doctors to find out that there is no cancer in their bodies. People are getting up out of wheel chairs. Deaf ears are being opened. Vision is being restored. Complex nervous and blood disorders are miraculously reversed. I love this stuff! I left the Lakeland Revival with great hope, encouragement and inspiration! I am aware in both my intellect and my spirit that God is up to something great! I will continue to praise God for what He is doing there and around the world.

Let Your Kingdom come and Let Your will be done on the earth just like it is in Heaven!

Update on Ann Edwards

I am asked on a fairly regular basis about how my wife Ann is doing. Thought I might share a bit of our recent journey with you here.

Six years ago Ann was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and has had some very difficult symptoms related to it since then - symptoms that have paralyzed her from the waist down.. caused her to be unable communicate.. left her with weakness and currently has limited her mobility to a wheelchair. Since last summer she has had four attacks of this disease.

One month ago she was admitted to KU Med Center for surgery and has been there ever since. The surgery brought on another stroke-like attack which impaired her speaking ability and mobility. During this time Ann's doctor informed us that she was no longer certain of the MS diagnosis and would be running some tests to determine a more accurate diagnosis. After a month of physical and speech therapy it looks like Ann will be released from the hospital next week. Once out she will transition to a day hospital where she will receive physical therapy from 8am-2pm three days a week.

We had a discussion with her neurologist last night about 7:30.. it was a difficult and extremely disheartening time. The doctor told us that none of the tests and procedures that Ann had been through has pointed to a clear medical diagnosis. Consequently she is asking us to consider a biopsy of Ann's brain tissue. This is creating concern for both of us because of Ann's very negative reactions to her past two surgeries. We are also concerned because of the possibility that the biopsy will not extract the diseased cells and they would not know any more than they know now. They could begin treatment soon with chemotherapy but the chemo is a very strong substance and could internally damage Ann's body.

As you can see there doesn't seem to be a magic medical solution. We are not readily open to the solutions presented to us and are hoping to find an alternative path in the coming month. I am reminded of the scripture in Isaiah that instructs us to wait on the Lord and that the main part of waiting is prayer.. to that end we ask you to wait with us.

If you would like to keep current with this situation you can press here to go to my weblog journal where I post updates on Ann's status.

Thanks so much for standing with us in prayer.

Bob Edwards