To respond to this survey please copy/paste the text below into an email message, complete it by answering the survey questions and send it to our team.
As you know, our lease will end with the Lutheran High School May 2010. We are considering several options: either continue leasing from the Lutherans or look for a new location.
That’s why this survey is important; we want to hear from the members of Metro. We want to know what you think about this upcoming change.
Age: 12< ; 13-18 ; 19-30 ; 31-45 ; 45>
Male or Female?
Marital Status: Married, Single or Other
Do you have children in the home?
If yes how many?
How long have you attended Metro Christian Fellowship?
1. What affects do you see a move having on us as a fellowship?
(NOTE: Some examples are given, but should not be considered conclusive)
Strengths to a move: (More space, outreach options, etc.)2. Using the scale below how much of a change do you think relocating will have on us as a church?
Concerns about moving: (Finances, loosing people, etc.)
1. Lots of change, not only location, but people, church activities etc.3. What community/area do you live in now? (NOTE: not your specific address. Example: Independence, Leawood, Grandview, South KC)
2. Some change.
3. Limited change.
4. No change other than location.
4. How far would you be willing to drive (in miles) to continue to attend Metro?
5. Based on your involvement with Metro, what ministries to you see as a priority in terms of space in a new location?
Adult ministries (singles, men’s, Special events (Conferences, women’s, young adult) weddings, etc.)
Children’s ministries Youth ministries (Jr. & Sr. High)
Sunday Celebration Service Outreach & Helps Ministry (Food Pantry)
OTHER: (Please specify)
Please indicate one answer, if necessary you can explain any of your answers.
1. In terms of gaining a place for permanency would you prefer to:
a. Purchase land and build from ground up.2. In terms of financing which more closely describes you?
b. Purchase property that would need some rehabilitation to meet our needs.
c. Purchase property that would primarily accommodate Sunday morning activities with options to expand as resources available.
d. Lease a place for a long term basis that would allow for more flexibility in building use.
e. Other:
a. Strongly feel we should borrow nothing or very little (<20%)>3. If we were to finance through a loan what percentage of the actual cost should be covered by the loan?4. Would you be willing to donate towards the cost of a new location above weekly tithing and giving?a. <>75%
Yes / No / MaybeIs there anything else you want us to know about this process?
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!
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